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125302 Kampala GPO Plot 109, Ntinda-Nakawa Road

This tour takes you to Lake Nakuru, a big 5 destination named after a shallow soda lake that inhabits more than one million pink flamingos. It is one of the most successful rhino sanctuaries in the East African region, boasting of both the black and white rhinoceros species. At Maasai Mara, you will encounter one of the richest wildlife ensembles in the world. It hosts over 95 species of mammals and more than 400 bird species. It has a massive accumulation of 1.5 million Wildebeest, 200,000 Zebras and 350,000 Gazelles.

3 Days Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara Safari

Day 1: Nairobi City – Lake Nakuru National Park

Upon your arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi city, you will be welcomed by our professional safari driver guide ready for your trip. The journey to Lake Nakuru takes approximately three hours. You will arrive in time for lunch at the Camp/lodge. This will be followed with an afternoon game drive. Hippos, waterbacks, burchell’s zebras and are a common sight along the shoreline of the Lake. The biggest highlight of this game viewing is an encounter with the black rhino, Rothschild giraffes and white rhinos. As you delve deeper into the acacia forest, be on the lookout for olive baboons, vervet monkey, black and white monkeys. It is their preferred hangout zone.

 Meals and overnight at any camp of your choice. At night, you will be treated to a candle light dinner or a dining experience at the open fire place.

Day 2: Lake Nakuru – Masai Mara

After breakfast, you will depart for Masai Mara Game Reserve via the Great Rift Valley, arriving in time for lunch. During this journey, you will pass by the extinct volcano of Mount Longonot. You might also notice a Maasai warrior standing on one foot while herding his domestic animals at the borders of the park cows, sheep and goats. Most of these warriors trust their fighting skills so much that the only weapons they carry is a single stick or spear (despite full awareness of the possibility of being attacked by wildlife)!
You will start your day in Masai Mara with an evening game viewing drive in search for the Big 5 wildlife that control the park’s eco-system; black-manned lion, elephants, leopards and buffalo. For almost every turn, you will be treated to the sight of countless wildebeest grazing.

Meals and overnight at any Lodge of your preference.

Day 3: Day Long Tour of Masai Mara

In the Maasai Mara, you will experience the charming old Africa depicted in the movies. You will love every minute of your bush vibe. Game viewing is never dull here, and patience is usually rewarded with unique sightings of wildlife and natural wonders. If it is your lucky day, you might witness a dramatic hunt as a solitary Leopard retrieves its kill from the high branches of an acacia tree. Better still, you could see a herd of Elephants protecting their young from predators.

Once through, you will embark on the return journey to Nairobi ahead of your departing flight.

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