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125302 Kampala GPO Plot 109, Ntinda-Nakawa Road

During this five day safari, you will discover and connect with 13 species to which Uganda is home. The biggest of these is the mountain gorilla, which you will encounter in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and, chimpanzees which you will trek in Kibale National Park.

5 Day Primate Adventure in Uganda

Day 1. Pick up from Airport and check in at hotel

Upon your arrival at Entebbe International Airport, you will be welcomed by our director who after helping you with immigration clearance will bring you to Lake Victoria View Guest House. Accommodation is on a full board basis.

You will spend much of this day relaxing at the hotel as you recover from the jetlag. This break will help your batteries to recharge ahead of the next day’s adventure.

Day 2. Trip to Kibale National Park

After breakfast, you will depart for Kibale National Park in Western Uganda ahead of your chimpanzee trekking excursion the next day. The journey will last roughly 4 hours, leading you into Tooro, a Bantu Kingdom that is under the leadership of the youngest king in Africa. His name is Oyo Nyimba Iguru, a 27 year old who took over the throne at the age of 3 following his father’s abrupt death. After your lunch time experience at Fort Portal town, you will visit Oyo’s royal palace—here, you will find a royal museum that offers the A-Z about the kingdom. Thanks to the palace’ location atop the highest hill in Kabarole district, you will have unobstructed views of all surrounding rolling hills and tea plantations.

In the evening, you will be transferred to Kibale National Park, a journey which will last less than one hour.

Day 3. Chimpanzee Tracking Experience

The main activity for today is a chimpanzee trekking excursion in Kibale National Park. Surrounded by stunning tea plantations on one side and picturesque crater lakes on the other, Kibale National Park is a fully fledged destination that provides unmatched encounters with habituated chimpanzees. You are also likely to encounter at least 4 of the primate species. It could be an olive baboons, vervet monkey, L’hoest monkey, bush baby, black and white colubus… the list goes on.

 The adventure lasts an average of 2 hours during which you will be treated to endearing sights and sounds of the forest.

In the afternoon, you will visit Bigodi Wetland for a bird watching excursion/nature walk. This community owned swamp hosts 138 bird species. Such include Waxbills, Flycatchers, Weavers, Kingfishers, Cuckoos, Papyrus Gonoleks, Hornbills and so many more. Thereafter, you will proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park ahead of your mountain gorilla trekking excursion.

Overnight at Chimpanzee Guest House or any other lodge of your preference.

Day 4. Gorilla Trekking Experience

Bwindi is simply unforgettable, a vast 321km2 primate kingdom where over 50% of the world’s surviving population of mountain gorillas live (over 450). The maximum number of tourists allowed to see each gorilla family in a day is 8. As such, you don’t have to worry about finding tourist crowds gathered up in the forest, hoping to catch the drama of the silverbacks as they pursue females or fight off rival gorilla groups.

You will spend the afternoon resting as you recover from the exhaustion of the trek. You will spend the night at one of the enchanting resorts at Lake Bunyonyi.

Day 5. Return to Kampala / Entebbe International Airport

After an early breakfast, you will have a relaxed sightseeing tour of Lake Bunyonyi and its 29 islands. Next, you will leave for Kampala or Entebbe Airport ahead of your departing flight. Before your departure, you will have a shopping experience at Buganda Road Craft village where you can buy authentic souvenirs to take home.

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